Thursday, 18 December 2008
“Vedanam Mata Amritasya Nabhih”, “ Gayatri Chhandasam Mata”, “ Gayatri Sarvani Savanani Vahati” and other references in the Vedas establish “Goddess Gayatri” as the Vedmata. In Bhagvadgeeta, Lord Krishna says, “Gayatri Chhandsamaham” which means, I am Gayatri in the Vedas. In all the mantras, only “Gayatri Mantra” is the one by chanting which man can break free off even great sins, as is laid down in the Smriti and Pauranic verses, “ Gayatri Japkridbhavatya Sarvapapaih Pramuchyate” ( Parashara Smriti), “ Sarvapapani Nashyanti Gayatri Japato Nrip” ( Bhavishya Purana) and other such references are found which tell that chanting of “Gayatri Mantra” can free one of even the greatest sins.
Mantra is defined in Sanskrit as 'Mananat trayate iti mantrah'
it means... The repetition (mananat) of which, you overcome/protected (trayate) [read overcome or protection from bondage/troubles/ cycles of birth and death] is (iti) called Mantra.
Gayatri is defined as 'gayantam trayate iti gayatri'.. it means the one who protects (trayate) the one who sings (gayantam) is (iti) gayatri
Gayatri Mantra
The Gayatri Mantra consists of twenty-four syllables - three lines of eight syllables each. The first line (Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah) is considered an invocation, and is not technically a part of the original Gayatri Mantra as it appears in the Upanishads. Gayatri is also referred to as a Vedic poetic meter of 24 syllables or any hymn composed in this meter.
Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah,
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
A basic translation can be given as...
Oh God, the Protector, the basis of all life, Who is self-existent, Who is free from all pains and Whose contact frees the soul from all troubles, Who pervades the Universe and sustains all, the Creator and Energizer of the whole Universe, the Giver of happiness, Who is worthy of acceptance, the most excellent, Who is Pure and the Purifier of all, let us embrace that very God, so that He may direct our mental faculties in the right direction.
The Gayatri Mantra - The Mother of All Mantras
It is considered to be a supreme vehicle for gaining spiritual enlightenment. The longer form of the mantra activates all seven major Chakras and connects them to the seven great spritual realms of existence.
The Entire Mantra says, "I invoke the Earth Plane, The Astral Plane, The Celestial Plane, The Plane of Spiritual Balance, The Plane of Human Spiritual Knowledge, The Plane of Spiritual Austerites, and The Plane of Ultimate Truth. Oh, great Spiritual Light which is the brilliance of all Divinity, we meditate upon You. Please illumine our minds."
By chanting this mantra, Divine spiritual light and power is infused in each of the seven chakras and connects them to the Spiritual Realms. The last part infuses our minds, hearts and souls with the power of the spiritual light that created the Universe.
Source:srinivas p
SHLOKAS (Mantras - 3) Ganesha shlokas
Ganesha shlokas
गण े 2358;ा श् ल 2379;क ा
Invocation to Lord Ganesha
1. vakrathunda mahaa kaaya koti surya samaprabha
nirvignam kurume deva, sarva karyeshu sarvadha
This mantra, dedicated to Ganesh the beloved elephant-headed god of Hinduism, is chanted before any activity, ritual or puja is performed.
O elephant headed and large bodied Lord, radiant as a thousand Suns, I ask for your grace so that this task that I am starting may be completed without any hinderences.
The Lord with the curved trunk and a mighty body, who has the luster of a million suns, I pray to thee Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all the actions I intend to perform.
2.Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,
Prasanna Vadanam Dyayet, Sarva Vignopa Shantaye
We meditate on Lord Ganesha - who is clad in white (representing
purity), who is all pervading (present everywhere), whose complexion
is gray like that of ash (glowing with spiritual splendor), who has
four arms, who has bright countenance (depicting inner calm and
happiness) and who can destroy all obstacles (in our spiritual and
worldly path)
This is a prayer to the God Ganapathi who is supposed to remove all
obstacles on our way in performance of any rites
3agajaanana padmaarkam gajananam aharnisham
anekhadantham bhaktaanam ekadantham upasmahe
I worship day and night that elephant faced Lord Ganesha who is like
sun to the lotus face of Mother Parvati. Giver of many boons, the
single tusked Ganesh, I salute Thee to give me a boon.
SHLOKAS or Mantras 2 ..Prabhatha Shlokam
Prabhatha Shlokam
Karagre Vasate Lakshmi
Kara Madhye Saraswathi
Kara moole sthithe gowri
Prabathe Kara Darshanam
Karagre-on the tip of your fingers; vasate- dwells; Lakshmi- the Goddess of Prosperity,
karamadhye- in the middle of your hands; Saraswathi - the goddess of knowledge
karamoole- on the base of your hands; Gowri - lies the mother Goddess
prabhate-in the morning; karadarshanam- look at your palm.
This is a Morning Prayer called “karadarshana” . One begins the day with this prayer. ‘kara” means the palm of the hand and it stands for the five karmendriyas, or the organs of action. While looking at the palm, one invokes the Lord in the form of various deities, thus sanctifying all the actions that will be done during the day. By acknowledging the Lord as the giver of the capacity to perform actions and as the giver of the fruits of those actions, one sanctifies the actions. Thus, one prays in the morning to reinforce the attitude that all actions are performed as a service to the Lord.
2. Samudravasane Devi Parvatastanamandale
Vishnupatni Namastubhyam Padasparsham Kshamasva Me
The ocean is your clothing, the mountain, your bosom, I am about to step on You, so please forgive me.
The Earth is as great as our Mother. Hence it is called Mother Land. The food, the shelter, the water and the air all that we need we get from the Earth. She fondles the mankind with motherly affection. So this humble prayer of gratitude is offered to her before we step on her.
Karagre Vasate Lakshmi
Kara Madhye Saraswathi
Kara moole sthithe gowri
Prabathe Kara Darshanam
Karagre-on the tip of your fingers; vasate- dwells; Lakshmi- the Goddess of Prosperity,
karamadhye- in the middle of your hands; Saraswathi - the goddess of knowledge
karamoole- on the base of your hands; Gowri - lies the mother Goddess
prabhate-in the morning; karadarshanam- look at your palm.
This is a Morning Prayer called “karadarshana” . One begins the day with this prayer. ‘kara” means the palm of the hand and it stands for the five karmendriyas, or the organs of action. While looking at the palm, one invokes the Lord in the form of various deities, thus sanctifying all the actions that will be done during the day. By acknowledging the Lord as the giver of the capacity to perform actions and as the giver of the fruits of those actions, one sanctifies the actions. Thus, one prays in the morning to reinforce the attitude that all actions are performed as a service to the Lord.
2. Samudravasane Devi Parvatastanamandale
Vishnupatni Namastubhyam Padasparsham Kshamasva Me
The ocean is your clothing, the mountain, your bosom, I am about to step on You, so please forgive me.
The Earth is as great as our Mother. Hence it is called Mother Land. The food, the shelter, the water and the air all that we need we get from the Earth. She fondles the mankind with motherly affection. So this humble prayer of gratitude is offered to her before we step on her.
SHLOKAS (Mantras)
Jai Guru Dev !
Guruji once said - very few of us can chant a couple of lines of shoka or mantra !
So we start a new series - starting with small shlokas, their meanings & significance !
Shloka or Mantra
Shloka is a verse, phrase, proverb or hymn of praise, usually composed in a specified meter. Especially a verse of two lines, each of sixteen syllables.
Sanskrit is the language of mantra, of spiritually empowered sounds. Its usage is to bring our minds back to the consciousness and power of mantra.
Mantra is defined in Sanskrit as 'Mananat trayate iti mantrah'
it means... The repetition (mananat) of which, you overcome/protected (trayate) [read overcome or protection from bondage/troubles/ cycles of birth and death] is (iti) called Mantra.
Mantra is not just concerned with sound but with meaning. According to the view of the Yoga of sound, there is only one meaning in life, which is the Divine or our own Self. Each thing ultimately means all things. Each object is a symbol for the universe itself. Words represent this universal meaning broken down, fragmented and compartmentalized.
The ancient syllable "OM" is the shortest of the Mantras and it is a word suggestive of God.Itis the premodial sound in the Universe.
The scriptures tell us that "OM" is the planets primordial vibration from which the entire universe has arisen. All other sounds are contained within it.
It is believed that "OM" is the mother of all languages. Repetition of "OM" enables us to maintain mental and emotional calmness, overcome obstacles and enable understanding.
whole Upanishad namely, Maandookyopanishad, devotes itself entirely to the explanation of the word Om. This Upanishad for this very reason, has been termed the quintessance of vedanta. Om is spoken of here as the primeval word which stands for the entire universe permeated by Brahman and therefore Brahman itself. The three sounds that go to make up Om constitute symbolically the entire universe of words.
Esoterically the 'a' stands for the first stage of wakefulness, where we experience, through our gross body and the senses. The 'u' stands for the state of dream sleep in which mental experiences are available. In the state of deep sleep, represented by the sound 'm' there is no consciousness of any experience; even the mind has gone to sleep. But still there is an awareness after the deep sleep is over that one has been sleeping. The Maandookyopanishad says that in the state of deep sleep the aatman which is always present, has been the witness to the sleep of the body and it is this which brings back the memory. It is the aatman which is also present beyond the three states of experience and this fourth state (turiiya-avasthaa) corresponds to the silence that ensues after one has steadily pronounced 'om'. It is the state of 'no maatraa' ( = amaatraa). In that state of silence Consciousness alone is present and there is nothing else, and therefore
nothing is to be cognized or be conscious of. So when we recite 'om' we are advised to meditate on this common substratum of all the three states of experience, and, during the silence that follows, merge in the Consciousness that alone persists as a substratum. That Consciousness is theaatman, that isbrahman.
Hence it is that OM is repeated at the beginning and conclusion of every mantra.
Panchakshari manta
om namah shivaya
Ashtakashari mantra
om namo narayana
Dwadasakshari mantra
om namo bhagavathe vasudevaya
Method for Chanting MANTRAs
GURU VANDANAM ( Guruji chants this stotram)
Om Nama PranavArtaya Shuddah Gyanaike Murtaya
Nirmalaya Prashantaya Dakshina murtaye namaha
O, God of learning
You who are the meaning of the Pranavam (who creates, sustains & dissolves all life) ,
You who are the form of pure knowledge,
You who are without flaw and of eternal Bliss,
to you I surrender .
A mantra can be a word or a sentence which, when uttered in a particular manner and contemplated within, can make sorrows wither and assure mukti (salvation). The aim of mantra is to achieve dharma (religious righteousness and duty), artha (philosophical interpretative value or meaning and even the means), kama (procreative universal truth and sensual satisfaction) and moksha (salvation from birth and rebirth).
Mantras are not created, rather they are revealed to the sage during deep blissful meditation when the prana ascends sahasrara chakra. Thats why we touch the crown of the head while taking the rishi's name. So the rishis are called mantra drashtas (the seers of the mantra).
The chanting of the mantra is probably the most important of all. Its all about the sounds and the vibrations. So it comes with a meter or pitch. They come with a distinctive time length for each cycle. For example the Bhagavad Gita is written in Anushtup, the Rig Veda is written in Gayatri meter, etc.
There is a presiding deity for every mantra on whom the devotee meditates on by keeping it in the heart chakra. Thats why the heart region is touched while taking the name of the devata. For Gayatri mantra , its the sun. All this has to be done with so much love (heart chakra = love), respect and innocence. I think the way the entire agama is structured is just so beautiful. Even before this is done, the devotee does pranayama to get his mind centered and then with a lot of love and gratitude the mantra is taken. If there is no love and respect, the mantra doesnt bear any fruit.
A mantra can make the impossible possible. A simple sadkak can become a great saint with the power of mantra. A mantra can change an unfavourable situation into a favourable one.
Method for chanting MANTRAs
Geetee seeghree sirah kampee thathaa likhita pathakah Anarthajnah alpakantascha shadaitaypathakaadh amaah
If one is to succeed with the mantras and get the fullest benefit from them, there is a prescribed method for chanting it . Learned people consider six methods of recitation, as NOT CORRECT and advise that they can be avoided.
1. Geetee is one who chants in a sings–song fashion. This is not correct. Though Samaveda is musically recited, it can be recited only in the approved musical way and not as one pleases. Further, since the sound and its variations have potency, recitation other than in the proper swara is not only not proper but harmful. It should be recited only in the prescribed mode.
2. Seeghree is one who chants in a quick tempo and ends the recitation quickly. This is also wrong. The Vedic words should be intoned by closely adhering to the time limits prescribed for uttering each word-sound if full benefits are to result.
3. Sirahkampee is one who shakes and nods his head needlessly while chanting. One should sit straight in concentration and allow the pulse vibrations to occur naturally by themselves. Nodding of the head like a musician disturbs the vibrations.
4. Likhitapaathakah is one who reads from the written script. This is not right. As said earlier, it should be learnt by the ear from oral chanting by a teacher commited to memory in the proper manner.
5. Anarthajnah means one who does not understand the meaning. It is necessary to know the meaning of the words of the mantras in order to have full beneficial effect.
6. Alpakantha is one who recites in a feeble voice. In order that the sound vibrations have good effect, the sounds should e properly audible and not mumbled.
Source:Srinivas P
Guruji once said - very few of us can chant a couple of lines of shoka or mantra !
So we start a new series - starting with small shlokas, their meanings & significance !
Shloka or Mantra
Shloka is a verse, phrase, proverb or hymn of praise, usually composed in a specified meter. Especially a verse of two lines, each of sixteen syllables.
Sanskrit is the language of mantra, of spiritually empowered sounds. Its usage is to bring our minds back to the consciousness and power of mantra.
Mantra is defined in Sanskrit as 'Mananat trayate iti mantrah'
it means... The repetition (mananat) of which, you overcome/protected (trayate) [read overcome or protection from bondage/troubles/ cycles of birth and death] is (iti) called Mantra.
Mantra is not just concerned with sound but with meaning. According to the view of the Yoga of sound, there is only one meaning in life, which is the Divine or our own Self. Each thing ultimately means all things. Each object is a symbol for the universe itself. Words represent this universal meaning broken down, fragmented and compartmentalized.
The ancient syllable "OM" is the shortest of the Mantras and it is a word suggestive of God.Itis the premodial sound in the Universe.
The scriptures tell us that "OM" is the planets primordial vibration from which the entire universe has arisen. All other sounds are contained within it.
It is believed that "OM" is the mother of all languages. Repetition of "OM" enables us to maintain mental and emotional calmness, overcome obstacles and enable understanding.
whole Upanishad namely, Maandookyopanishad, devotes itself entirely to the explanation of the word Om. This Upanishad for this very reason, has been termed the quintessance of vedanta. Om is spoken of here as the primeval word which stands for the entire universe permeated by Brahman and therefore Brahman itself. The three sounds that go to make up Om constitute symbolically the entire universe of words.
Esoterically the 'a' stands for the first stage of wakefulness, where we experience, through our gross body and the senses. The 'u' stands for the state of dream sleep in which mental experiences are available. In the state of deep sleep, represented by the sound 'm' there is no consciousness of any experience; even the mind has gone to sleep. But still there is an awareness after the deep sleep is over that one has been sleeping. The Maandookyopanishad says that in the state of deep sleep the aatman which is always present, has been the witness to the sleep of the body and it is this which brings back the memory. It is the aatman which is also present beyond the three states of experience and this fourth state (turiiya-avasthaa) corresponds to the silence that ensues after one has steadily pronounced 'om'. It is the state of 'no maatraa' ( = amaatraa). In that state of silence Consciousness alone is present and there is nothing else, and therefore
nothing is to be cognized or be conscious of. So when we recite 'om' we are advised to meditate on this common substratum of all the three states of experience, and, during the silence that follows, merge in the Consciousness that alone persists as a substratum. That Consciousness is theaatman, that isbrahman.
Hence it is that OM is repeated at the beginning and conclusion of every mantra.
Panchakshari manta
om namah shivaya
Ashtakashari mantra
om namo narayana
Dwadasakshari mantra
om namo bhagavathe vasudevaya
Method for Chanting MANTRAs
GURU VANDANAM ( Guruji chants this stotram)
Om Nama PranavArtaya Shuddah Gyanaike Murtaya
Nirmalaya Prashantaya Dakshina murtaye namaha
O, God of learning
You who are the meaning of the Pranavam (who creates, sustains & dissolves all life) ,
You who are the form of pure knowledge,
You who are without flaw and of eternal Bliss,
to you I surrender .
A mantra can be a word or a sentence which, when uttered in a particular manner and contemplated within, can make sorrows wither and assure mukti (salvation). The aim of mantra is to achieve dharma (religious righteousness and duty), artha (philosophical interpretative value or meaning and even the means), kama (procreative universal truth and sensual satisfaction) and moksha (salvation from birth and rebirth).
Mantras are not created, rather they are revealed to the sage during deep blissful meditation when the prana ascends sahasrara chakra. Thats why we touch the crown of the head while taking the rishi's name. So the rishis are called mantra drashtas (the seers of the mantra).
The chanting of the mantra is probably the most important of all. Its all about the sounds and the vibrations. So it comes with a meter or pitch. They come with a distinctive time length for each cycle. For example the Bhagavad Gita is written in Anushtup, the Rig Veda is written in Gayatri meter, etc.
There is a presiding deity for every mantra on whom the devotee meditates on by keeping it in the heart chakra. Thats why the heart region is touched while taking the name of the devata. For Gayatri mantra , its the sun. All this has to be done with so much love (heart chakra = love), respect and innocence. I think the way the entire agama is structured is just so beautiful. Even before this is done, the devotee does pranayama to get his mind centered and then with a lot of love and gratitude the mantra is taken. If there is no love and respect, the mantra doesnt bear any fruit.
A mantra can make the impossible possible. A simple sadkak can become a great saint with the power of mantra. A mantra can change an unfavourable situation into a favourable one.
Method for chanting MANTRAs
Geetee seeghree sirah kampee thathaa likhita pathakah Anarthajnah alpakantascha shadaitaypathakaadh amaah
If one is to succeed with the mantras and get the fullest benefit from them, there is a prescribed method for chanting it . Learned people consider six methods of recitation, as NOT CORRECT and advise that they can be avoided.
1. Geetee is one who chants in a sings–song fashion. This is not correct. Though Samaveda is musically recited, it can be recited only in the approved musical way and not as one pleases. Further, since the sound and its variations have potency, recitation other than in the proper swara is not only not proper but harmful. It should be recited only in the prescribed mode.
2. Seeghree is one who chants in a quick tempo and ends the recitation quickly. This is also wrong. The Vedic words should be intoned by closely adhering to the time limits prescribed for uttering each word-sound if full benefits are to result.
3. Sirahkampee is one who shakes and nods his head needlessly while chanting. One should sit straight in concentration and allow the pulse vibrations to occur naturally by themselves. Nodding of the head like a musician disturbs the vibrations.
4. Likhitapaathakah is one who reads from the written script. This is not right. As said earlier, it should be learnt by the ear from oral chanting by a teacher commited to memory in the proper manner.
5. Anarthajnah means one who does not understand the meaning. It is necessary to know the meaning of the words of the mantras in order to have full beneficial effect.
6. Alpakantha is one who recites in a feeble voice. In order that the sound vibrations have good effect, the sounds should e properly audible and not mumbled.
Source:Srinivas P
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