Ganesha shlokas
गण े&# 2358;ा श् ल&# 2379;क ा
Invocation to Lord Ganesha
1. vakrathunda mahaa kaaya koti surya samaprabha
nirvignam kurume deva, sarva karyeshu sarvadha
This mantra, dedicated to Ganesh the beloved elephant-headed god of Hinduism, is chanted before any activity, ritual or puja is performed.
O elephant headed and large bodied Lord, radiant as a thousand Suns, I ask for your grace so that this task that I am starting may be completed without any hinderences.
The Lord with the curved trunk and a mighty body, who has the luster of a million suns, I pray to thee Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all the actions I intend to perform.
2.Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,
Prasanna Vadanam Dyayet, Sarva Vignopa Shantaye
We meditate on Lord Ganesha - who is clad in white (representing
purity), who is all pervading (present everywhere), whose complexion
is gray like that of ash (glowing with spiritual splendor), who has
four arms, who has bright countenance (depicting inner calm and
happiness) and who can destroy all obstacles (in our spiritual and
worldly path)
This is a prayer to the God Ganapathi who is supposed to remove all
obstacles on our way in performance of any rites
3agajaanana padmaarkam gajananam aharnisham
anekhadantham bhaktaanam ekadantham upasmahe
I worship day and night that elephant faced Lord Ganesha who is like
sun to the lotus face of Mother Parvati. Giver of many boons, the
single tusked Ganesh, I salute Thee to give me a boon.

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