Monday, 16 March 2009

Whats happening ????!!!!!

Hmmm... after a long time i'm writing something about me...Yeaa, like soo many ,to me too Life has become so Mechanical !!!.. same routine ...from waking up in the morning,doing something before going to work....again doing something before going to bed...!!in Malayalam -my mothertongue, i could say "orutharam kaattikkoottal..." but i could say,the approach to life has changed ..atleast i could identify that i'm not doing something productive, ....its like me too flowing along with the current which has no specific destination.....
The Divine has created me( like all of Us) with the immense treasure of everything , but (i'm) not using anything...its true that something has wired wrongly somewhere...(still trying to find it out.. )Yea,its very easy to preach something but very difficult to practice...thats what i'm experiencing these days.... struggling to place everything on Track..but i can say onething for sure guys, Everything will be on Track very soooooonnn( as nothing is constant in this Universe , changes are inevitable ).......!!!Lol!!!!


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